Kingston Creative Projects

Kingston Creative is a registered Jamaican non-profit organisation whose vision is that Kingston is the creative capital of the Caribbean. We are an artist-led organisation powered by 100 volunteers, that serves creatives and the community of Downtown Kingston. We implement a suite of arts and entrepreneurship projects to create a healthy ecosystem and catalyze growth in the creative economy. We see the cultural and creative industries as a key area for sustainable national development and work in partnership with the private, public and third sector to achieve impact.

Some of our key project focus areas include creative place making, skills training, space and the provision of resources to help the creative community thrive.

– Creative Place making: Developing the Downtown Kingston Art District; a vibrant location for visitors and local residents with arts events like the Artwalk, a cluster of creative businesses, murals and public art.

– Skills training: Through its suite of free training programmes, Kingston Creative offers nationally recognised certificate courses in business and digital skills that enable creatives to leverage technology to grow their businesses and access global markets.

– Making Space: Creatives can access space for performance, retail and coworking, through the Artisan Collective store, Creative Hub and other partners in Downtown. The Hub is a space for the development of creative entrepreneurs so that they can improve their business skills and take their enterprises global. It includes workshops and training for creatives, digital, podcast and dance studios, incubators and accelerators, equipment for rent and retail spaces for creative products.

– Providing Resources: Kingston Creative provides financial resources in the form of payment for artistic services, grants and investments for community projects and directly to individual artists, companies and entrepreneurs.

Click the links below to find out more about our projects: