Title: Oldies Dance Vibe & Rae Town –The Fishing Village
Location: Rae Street
Date: January 2020
Artists: Deon Simone, Shanique Stewart
Community based Organization: Women Empower Women
Title: Oldies Dance Vibe & Rae Town –The Fishing Village
Location: Rae Street
Date: January 2020
Artists: Deon Simone, Shanique Stewart
Community based Organization: Women Empower Women
Rae Town is well known for its Oldies dance parties held on the very street of this mural for over 30 years. Music and movement are integral to many residents. Rae Town is also known to be Downtown’s fishing village, right in the City. Till this day, the fishermen’s boats leave the harbour early in the morning and many boys are still learning the trades from the elders. Earning a living from the ocean is important to the community’s survival and lifestyle.
About the Artists
Deon Simone is a Jamaican visual artist who paints on canvas in oil and acrylic and does large scale murals. She has been spearheading a number of murals, and gained experience from working with Kingston Creative. She stands out with her bold way to show the strength of women while also emphasizing beauty. Her inspirations are Barrington Watson, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.
Shanique Stewart is a final year student at the Edna Manley College for the Arts and originates from St.Vincent. Her unique style of a very detailed Caribbean flair sets her apart and creates an unexpected experience for the viewer.
The Artists were selected by the community of Rae Town from 8 submissions under the themes depicted. These images fitted the community’s idea perfectly, as to how they wanted to be viewed from the outside. The murals were painted over a two day period, during a Community Artwalk and tour organized by Kingston Creative. The visitors to the events were able to interact with the artists and to see the work progressing to completion.
Artist Statement
“For this mural I wanted to capture the true essences of Rae Town’s musical traditions. All elements such as the vinyl record, sound systems and dancers blended together with bold use of colours to capture the togetherness of the people, and their love for music and dancing.”
– Deon Simone & Shanique Stewart
The Sponsors:
The Tourism Enhancement Fund ( TEF) is committed to community development and sponsored stipends for the team members and Sherwin Williams supported the colourful work with free paint and materials.
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