Title: Celebrating The Musicians Of Studio One
Location: 45 Charles Street/ corner Orange Street
Date: February 2020
Artists: Alphonso Errol Reid
Community Based Organization: Sounds & Pressure
Title: Celebrating The Musicians Of Studio One
Location: 45 Charles Street/ corner Orange Street
Date: February 2020
Artists: Alphonso Errol Reid
Community Based Organization: Sounds & Pressure
The Design:
This mural highlights the significant contribution to today’s popular music in Jamaica, but some of its most talented musicians and arrangers. They were involved in The Skatalites and the Studio One recording of the 60’s. These are Jackie Mittoo, Cedric Brooks, Richard Ace, Lennie Hibbert, Ernest Ranglin, Winston Grennan and Tom, the great Sebastian.
Mr. Reid had already beautified the street in 2019 with images of iconic music stars from the 60’s and 70’s. This mural is the expansion of telling the story of how reggae came about and who was involved. The location on the wall of a small recording studio that is no longer in existence, called One World Studio, is most suitable for this display.
Existing murals along Beat Street feature Dennis Brown, who lived here, Gregory Isaacs, Big Youth, Augustus Pablo, Addis Pablo, Millie Small, among others.
About the Artists:
Errol Reid has found lots of recognition with his skilful way to represent persons, faces and expressions. His work is featured in the Jamaica Jamaica exhibition at the National Gallery of Jamaica, on Orange Street and in many other locations in Kingston. His details create realistic art, a self-taught and rare talent who lives in Kingston Gardens, Downtown Kingston.
The Sponsors:
The Tourism Enhancement Fund ( TEF) is committed to community development and sponsored stipends for the team members and Sherwin Williams supported the colourful work with free paint and materials.
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