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Corporate Hands | Beautifying the built environment

A group of artists, led by Charl Baker, put the finishing touches on a new mural at the corner of South Camp Road and Harbour Street in downtown Kingston. GraceKennedy Foundation, in partnership with the ICD Group of Companies and Kingston Creative, commissioned the artists to paint the mural to beautify the area and raise awareness about the negative impact of pollution on the Kingston Harbour.

CVM invited Andrea Chung on The Cultural Agenda

CVM recently invited our ED, Andrea Chung to speak on The Cultural Agenda, about post-pandemic recovery of Jamaica’s Cultural and Creative sector, Kingston Creative’s new IDB Bank-funded CreaTech programme, IP protection and a new Digital skills partnership with Heart Trust/ NTA.

Downtown Kingston’s new murals brighten Jamaica’s COVID-19 gloom

Downtown Kingston’s new murals brighten Jamaica’s COVID-19 gloom

On March 10, 2020, Jamaica confirmed its first case of COVID-19. Since that day, Jamaica’s economy, in common with the rest of the world, has been reeling. The creative sector, which had begun to show many “green shoots” prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, has been particularly hard hit, but it is forging ahead thanks to novel ideas, financial support and the brave spirit of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs get support from IDB Lab, Kingston Creative

Entrepreneurs get support from IDB Lab, Kingston Creative

The creative community has received a breakthrough following on the forging of a three-year technical agreement between Kingston Creative Limited and IDB Lab, the innovation laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Honey Bun, Digicel foundations launch business diagnostic app

The Honey Bun Foundation has launched, the Gapp App, a business diagnostic tool for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The purpose of the Gapp App is to help businesses grow and become successful by giving them the ability to periodically access their operations and processes.  It is available for download in Apple and Google stores.

How can AI contribute to sustainable development?

Artificial Intelligence, AI, has the potential to provide solutions to many global challenges. AI can have a significant impact on human development to accelerate capacities through technology, increase the impact of science for good through data and information management, and drive innovation for sustainable development.

David Mullings

Jamaican David Mullings Listed Amongst Top 10 Entrepreneurs Disrupting Their Industries in 2021

Jamaican David Mullings, the founder and CEO of the private investment firm Blue Mahoe Capital Partners, Inc., has been listed as one of the top 10 entrepreneurs who are disrupting their industries in 2021 by Disrupt Magazine. The list recognizes the success of individuals who have broken out of industry routines and followed their own paths of innovation and ingenuity to change the world forever.